Sloar Destacada Visita a Innovapack

Visit to InnovaPack, member company of the HZ Group in Brazil

On Friday, July the 5th, taking advantage of the visit of our executives to São Paulo, we had the opportunity to get to know up close the factory of one of our partners located outside the limits of our country, Innovapack embalagens. 

Innovapack is one of the companies that are part of the HZ Group, one of the most important groups in the packaging industry in Latin America. In 2001, the Group decided to disembark in Brazil to be closer to its multinational customers. Thus, through a regional bet, it acquired Gráfica Rodar, giving birth to what we now know as Innovapack.

The company is specifically dedicated to the manufacture and marketing of cardboard packaging, with sustainability and innovation as its main focus. Thanks to its innovative spirit, today the company is among the main packaging suppliers in Brazil.

Marcelo Gaspar, general manager of the company, Thiago Brito, production supervisor, and Daniel Contessotto, logistics and PCP supervisor, welcomed and accompanied us on the tour of the industrial plant. We are very grateful to all of them and very happy for this great opportunity. 

We believe that in the future there will be plenty of opportunities to continue to cooperate and grow together. 

To learn more about Innovapack, you can visit their website:

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